In the case of Stockwell Development Group Pty Ltd v Bundaberg Regional Council & Anor [2024] QPEC 44, the appellant, Stockwell Development Group Pty Ltd, contested the approval granted to Bluepoint Bargara Pty Ltd by the Bundaberg Regional Council for a supermarket-based shopping centre in the Local centre zone at Rifle Range Road, Bargara. The issue revolved around whether the full-line supermarket was appropriately sited at the proposed development in light of the projected economic need and the planned activity centre network within the region. Evidence demonstrated a clear economic and community need for additional supermarket services, and experts opined such a development could meet local needs without adversely impacting amenities. The Court found the appellant's development application lacking tenant interest for a comparable supermarket, questioning its viability in the short-to-medium term. Ultimately, the Court allowed the appeal in part, approving Bluepoint Bargara Pty Ltd’s development application, subject to modified conditions, aligning with the strategic planning intent for the region.
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